Throughout the year our church members gather for a variety of fellowship moments to celebrate our church family and to build relationships. Current fellowships include:
- Mingle and Munch Adult Fellowship Dinners- An adult only no-host fellowship group that meets for dinner at Darcy's Restaurant once a month. Call the church office for info
- Women's Bible Study- call for information
- Quilting- All ages; they meet the third Thursday of the month from 10:00am to 2:00pm at OPC. They sew and tie quilts for charitable organizations.
- Drop-In Choir- An opportunity to join a choir, without the full-time commitment. Meets Sunday mornings at 9:00am for rehearsal before worship. September-June.
- Adult Education Classes- A group of adults that meets Sunday mornings at 9:00am for bible study. September-May
- Building & Grounds Committee- Oversees all activities associated with the operation, maintenance, safety and security of the building, grounds, furnishings and equipment owned by the church.